Electric & Eclectic with Roger Atkins - LinkedIn Top Voice for EV
In conversation with the past, present, and future movers and shakers of the electric vehicle eco-system. Upstream in mining and mineral processing and downstream in batteries and charging infrastructures - and all points in between! I will draw on friendships and experiences from almost 40 years in the auto industry - almost half of that embedded within the nascent EV industry.
Failure and success are all part of my story...and that of many people I know. YOU will hear about it all.
Electric & Eclectic with Roger Atkins - LinkedIn Top Voice for EV
EPIC CHALLENGES "Not because they are easy - but because they are hard"...
Mr Andrew Daga is now delivering on the HUGE challenge of charging up the rEVolution...
He's a BIG fan of a challenge - reminiscent of putting a man on the moon you might say. Or perhaps scoping out how human habitation might happen one day on the Moon or Mars - Andy's worked on that...subterranean bases in the lava tubes that are ready and waiting for such an adventure.
We talk about the man and his mission today. A mission to charge up electric vehicles - buses, taxis. trucks and vans - safely, automatically, at high power, and efficiently.
Andy and his team might just be about to turn the whole business of charging on its head - as just like we've become accustomed to cordless phones - cordlessly charged electric vehicles are coming too!